Monday, June 30, 2014

The Magic of Sound - The Magic of You!

“Sound has a profound effect on the senses. It can be both

rd and felt. It can even be seen with the mind’s eye. It can almost be tasted and smelled. Sound can evoke responses of the five senses. Sound can paint a picture, produce a mood, trigger the senses to remember another time and place. From infancy we hear sound with our entire bodies. When I hear my own name, I have as much a sense of it entering my body through my back or my hand or my chest as through my ears. Sound speaks to the sensorium; the entire system of nerves that stimulates sensual response.”
― Louis Colaianni, The Joy of Phonetics and Accents

​Good morning dancing friends!
I am home from a wonderful YogaFit Warriors certification in Minneapolis.   It is a wonderful and enlightening training, and I am excited with the potential of all I have learned and hope to share.  I am happy to be home - YAY!! - and look forward to dancing with you.  On to our focus!!

Have you ever wondered why we sound in our Nia classes?  
Sounding in class is Nia's way to help you relax, become stronger and to condition not only your body, but your mind, emotions and spirit.  In a way sound is magic!!!  Sounding your voice strengthens your physical body, empties and clears your mental body, cleanses your emotional body and enlivens your spirit body.  Nia uses the voice
​as a way to ​
your wellness and your health, and it can be as simple as sounding with your breath.  Right now take a nice full breath, as if you are smelling roses, and then as you exhale, sound a big "AHHHH!".  Using sound as
​we release our breath can stimulate relaxation, and at the same time give a spark of energy!!

Every time you make a sound (in class or in life) you stimulate an immense number of sympathetic vibrations within your body.  When you move energy with words and sound, you connect to a very powerful source - your voice. Trusting your voice, getting to know you own tone and power comes from speaking out, from making sounds and tones.  There is so much power in speaking/sounding your voice!  Affirmations and prayers are more powerful for me when I say them out loud vs. just saying them in my mind.  Hearing my voice gives me the sensation that I am harmonized and connected to life and with the Universe.  Nia recognizes this.  From the circle at the beginning of class where we sound our name and affirm who we are, to the end of class where we sound with our breathe or say YEAH! as we step out into life, we engage our voice.  I love a class full with the beauty of students voices!!  I have had many students tell me their stories of how the simple sounding of YES and NO during class has helped them say YES and NO in their life outside of class. What is your story? 

​Let's sound together this week in class as we sing, laugh, chant and harmonize with the Universe.

My classes this week:
​(Today!! at 5:30 pm

​ ​
at 5:30 pm​
​Friday ​
​4th of July class with Adelle at 9 am (WOOT - sound your FREEDOM!)
Saturday at 9:30 am
and Sunday at 4:00 pm
all at The Synergy Studio.  

Love & Light,
Joanie Brooks,
Nia Training Faculty, Nia White Belt Trainer, Nia 1st Degree Black Belt

Journey Dance Facilitator Nia 5 Stages of Healing Facilitator
Mindful Change Coach
Laughter Yoga Leader

Nia - Somatic Education for EveryBody.  Nia is an expressive movement form & lifestyle practice that uses The Body's Way to achieve physical, mental, emotional & spiritual fitness & well-being."   

75 trillion cells in your body…Play with them all with Nia!

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