Thursday, August 7, 2014

Pelvis - Chest - Head...3 Body Weights...Energy Centers!

Good Morning Dancing Friends & Family!

“Sense breath, sense consciousness expanding, forgive self, acknowledge the light of yourself. Be aware of spirals of energy moving through your spine. Let the heart open. Let the breath flow, the diaphragm be full and free in its movement.”  
Dhyani Ywahoo

Isn't this quote beautiful!! 

When I first started practicing Nia (20 years ago!!), I thought the core of my body was limited to my abdominal area. AND I did not have a good relationship with that area of my body!  Nia awaken and expanded my perception of the core of my body, and gave me new ways to move and heal.  Now there is nothing more healing to me then dancing my pelvis, chest and head.  This is the gift Principle 8 of the Nia White Belt gives...connecting me to the sensation of 3 body weights:  pelvis, chest and head and to my energy centers:  7 main chakras.  Principle 8 trains me to isolate my 3 body weights and integrate them via my spine.  This principle also invites me to use sound, breath, emotions and my chakras to energetically move and express, and tap into my intuitive self.  And the sensation is very YUMMY.  Nia has only 7 moves for the core of the body, and for me, they are the most healing and DELICIOUS sensations of all the 52 moves.  As you dance through life today, experiment with these sensations:
  • Use your eyes to explore your environment  (Head and Eye movement).  Notice how this brings you to the NOW and can bring the sensation of gratitude.
  • Undulate your spine while setting at your desk (Undulation).  Notice how your breath expands.
  • When you reach towards earth to pick something up, go down in a wider stance and then rise through the base of your spine, stacking your pelvis first, then chest, then your head (Spinal Roll).
  • Take an afternoon pick me up break by shaking and shimming your chest.  Smile or even add a little sound when you do this!  (Shimmy).  How do you feel?
  • When you are paused in traffic, bring mobility to your chest to release any tension (Chest Isolations).  Notice  how your breath expands and relaxes you.
  • While standing making a meal, circle your pelvis in both directions and sense the release in your lower back (Pelvis Circles).  Add little bumps with your hips and notice how this makes your feel a bit sassy!!!  (Hip Bumps)
Many ways to self heal our body, mind, emotions and spirit!!! 
It is going to be a fun weekend healing and exploring our Pelvis - Chest - Head. See you on the dance floor!

My Nia Classes this week:
Thursday (Today!!) 5:30 pm

Starting Friday, Adelle and I will be team teaching a new Nia routine called FEELING - it is a magical routine!!  Join us in these classes: 
Friday 5:30 pm 
Saturday 9:30 am 
Sunday 4:00 pm all at The Synergy Studio
Love & Light,
Joanie Brooks,
Nia Training Faculty, Nia White Belt Trainer, Nia 1st Degree Black Belt

Journey Dance Facilitator Nia 5 Stages of Healing Facilitator
Mindful Change Coach
Laughter Yoga Leader

Nia - Somatic Education for EveryBody.  Nia is an expressive movement form & lifestyle practice that uses The Body's Way to achieve physical, mental, emotional & spiritual fitness & well-being."   

75 trillion cells in your body…Play with them all with Nia!

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