Monday, November 12, 2012

Sensing and Dancing The Curves of Your Spine!!

Hello My Dancing Friends!

Our spine consist of 26 vertebrae and provides structural support for our entire body.  Did you know your spine has four distinct curves: cervical (neck), thoracic (upper back), lumbar (lower back), and sacral (pelvis level)?   The curves and their specific shapes are very important for supporting the body’s weight, and if one curve is misaligned, the rest of the curves (and body) will be affected.  At birth, our spine was C-shaped. As we developed, learning to creep, crawl, stand and then walk, our spine shaped and adapted, becoming flexible, mobile and strong.  When we were about 10 years old our lumbar curve fully assumed to its adult shape, which has natural curves that form an S-Shape.  Close your eyes and visualize this S along you back and sense the curves!  This magical structure gives you the ability to lean sideways, twist, vibrate, undulate, rotate, flex, stretch and move effortlessly through 3 planes of movement.  The curves of your spine also support the weight of your body, work like coiled springs to absorb shock, and helps you maintain balance.  It is amazing!    
So lets dance and sense our curves this week in class.  Your spine loves joyful movement and when your spine is healthy and happy, your torso is healthy, flooding your arms and legs with rejuvenating energy!  I like to visualize my spine as an elegant string of pearls that curve through my body, giving me strength and resistance; and no matter what type of movement I do, what shape I create, it will magically go back to its inherent shape and be even stronger!!  See you in class as we dance to an older Carlos Nia routine called Girls Night Out!  This is such a fun and spirited routine that is charged with the jazzy sounds of Candy Dolpher.  Snap, crackle, pop, sassy and alive!! Bring your CURVES!!!

My classes this week:
Monday, and Thursday Nia at 5:30 pm
Friday JourneyDance class at 6:45 pm
and Saturday  Nia at 9:30 am
all at The Synergy Studio.  

Learn more and go deeper into the connection with you body and your life by taking a Nia White Belt Intensive.   Our next intensive is coming up in December...a split weekend. Sign up and receive pre-training materials!

Love & Light,
Joanie Brooks,  Nia Training Faculty, Nia White Belt Trainer, Nia 5 Stages of Healing Facilitator, Journey Dance Facilitator, Mindful Change Coach

 Nia - Somatic Education for EveryBody.  Nia is an expressive movement form & lifestyle practice that uses The Body's Way to achieve physical, mental, emotional & spiritual fitness & well-being."   

75 trillion cells in your body…Play with them all with Nia!

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