Sunday, June 24, 2012

Paying Attention to the Sounds and Silence of Life!!!

Hello Friends!!
I am back home after a fantastic week immersed in the Nia work and in nature at the beautiful Mar de Jade resort. I knew from the pictures this was going to be a magical place; however, I did not anticipate all the natural beauty that would surround me in the form of people, food, and nature!!!  Music and magic everywhere!   Every morning Adelle and I taught a Nia class in our ocean view studio, dancing not only to Nia routine music, but also with the sounds and silence of the sea, the birds, and the wind. Natures music....natural and organic. 

Sounds and silence are around each us, and if we take a moment to listen, we can hear music every where....the laughter of children, the wind blowing through the trees, my 2 dogs playing with each other (I had to add this!!), the birds making their sounds, a neighbor calling out to her family, friends engaged in a loving conversation.   All music...all inviting us to be seduced and to be ALIVE in our Dance of Life.

In Nia we view the power of music (Silence and Sound) through the triad of Music, Movement and Magic...MMM. Music is the canvas on which our body moves and the magic is what is expressed inside and outside of you in a natural, organic and alive way.  Music inspires, heals, awakens emotions, and can transform any situation into magic when we allow the vibrations to touch our body and be in sensation.

Nia also invites us to create a relationship with music by providing a system to track Sound and Silence - the 8BC system.  This system provides a mental grid on which to visually record the geometric patterns of sound, and then transcribe the sound through our minds and our bodies.  I truly believe the practice of listening to music and using the 8BC system of Nia will keep my mind agile, strong, flexible and youthful.  Ask me more about this fountain of youth process!!! 

So meet me on the dance floor this week as we dance to the Sounds of Silence of the Nia routine Aya.  The music of Aya inspires you to connect to the freedom, romance and excitement of life, creating magic through your body.

"Music is the festive dress of silence" - Chamalu
“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.” -Aldous Huxley

And one last thing.  Join me in celebrating Sandy Ananda Ramon as a new Nia White Belt!!!  Ananda was with Adelle and me in Mexico where she stepped into the Nia White Belt, graduating on June 22nd.  Ananda lives in Germany but started her Nia dance here in San Antonio (her home town), and dances with us every time she is here for a visit.  She is here with us through July so offer her congratulations the next time you dance with her!!!

My classes this week:
Monday and Thursday at 5:30 pm
Saturday at 9:30 am and
Sunday at 4:00 pm
all at

Learn more and go deeper into the connection with you body and your life by taking a Nia White Belt Intensive.   Check out my trainings with Adelle Brewer at:

And join us next year when we return to Mar de Jade for a Nia retreat...November 9-16, 2013... we are on the calendar!

Love & Light,
Joanie Brooks,  Nia Training Faculty, Nia White Belt Trainer,
Nia 5 Stages of Healing Facilitator, Journey Dance Facilitator, Mindful Change Coach

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