Sunday, January 1, 2012

Becoming a Sacred Athlete...Purpose-Potential-Possibility!!!

Happy 2012 EveryBody!

Wishing each of you love and peace as you step into 2012.  It is going to be a magical year...I'm excited!! As I reflect on 2011 I am grateful for all the beauty, peace and goodness that I have experienced in my husband, family, friends and my Nia community of dancing beings have been instrumental in my life!  And my 2 lively dogs, Little Boo and Rocket!!!  In 2012 I will be collaborating with my Nia sister, Adelle, with the Nia White Belt intensive and I hope you will consider taking the Nia White Belt.  It is a wonderful exploration into the foundation of Nia and YOU, whether you would like to teach or take it for personal growth.  Check out our trainings at: and click on "My Trainings".  Let me know if you have any questions.

2012's Nia focus for our community is the Year of Becoming a Sacred Athlete...a year of Purpose, Potential and Possibility. 
A Sacred Athlete is a teacher and healer to all people.  Becoming a Sacred Athlete is a choice and is a journey of discovering your purpose, exploring your limitless potential and opening up to the endless possibilities available to you when you choose pleasure and love as your path for transformation and to self mastery.  We are all teachers.  We teach others with our actions, our thoughts and words.  We teach others through our choices.  Choosing to keep your body healthy through movement and dance shows others how you have chosen to love your body.  As we step in together to a New Year, let's all open up to our limitless.  Let's all open up to all possibilities life has for is endless.  Your body's potential is limitless...200/700 (bones and muscles) unique ways to move and heal.  The possibilities of your body are endless...9 movement forms to connect to; 3 planes of movement and intensity levels to explore; Move/Explore/Create your FreeDance...ENDLESS. 

Becoming a Sacred Athlete is a choice.  Join me this week in class as we step into a wonderful year of movement and healing.  Happy New Year!!

My classes this week:

Monday and Thursday at 5:30 pm
and Saturday at 9:30 am
all at

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