Sunday, August 11, 2013

Embracing Joy In Your Life Today!

“Joy does not simply happen to us. We have to choose joy and keep choosing it every day.”

This week our focus is embracing JOY...NOW...Today!  I have a daily practice when I wake up (that I do my best to always do ), in times when I am searching for something outside of me to make me happy, or when I am feeling down about life, to remind myself to embark on an inner journey to joy.  Joy is always there for me, and I don't need permission to experience joy.  Sometimes I think I need permission or I get caught up in how I think life should be for me.  When this happens, life becomes a struggle for me, and I can feel myself tumble!  You know what?  It is my birthright and your birthright to be in joy, and I do not need permission...I just need to chose.  When I consciously make the choice to be in Joy, I have the sensation of flowing with the Universe.  When I carry this with me every moment of the day, no matter the outcome of what I am doing or thinking, all is good in my world.  It is a choice.  Energy follows attention and when I choose to be in joy, I am WITH life! 

Nia's first and primary principle is call the Joy of Movement.  I love this principle and it is the thread that runs through all our movement. The Joy of Movement teaches us to connect to Joy by choosing sensation through all movement.  As you sense your body, you invite Joy in.  No matter what your circumstances are, you have the capacity to live and move in Joy, which is more than an emotion; it is a way of being in the world.  This principles invites us to use Joy and Your Body's Way to fall in love with your body and your life.  It is also a tool you can use to shift your dance, your attitude and your life. It's the first step of becoming a Sacred Athlete.  Right now you can consciously choose this energy.  What a gift!!!  Joy is the seed, and it grows and flows through everything!  

"If you remember anything about Nia, remember this: the soul of Nia is  the Joy of Movement."  Debbie Rosas and Carlos AyaRosas, co-founders of Nia. 

Join me in Embracing Joy...Today...Now.  See you on the dance floor!
My classes this week:
Monday & Wednesday at 8:45 am at
Total Harmony Yoga (first class is free!)
Monday & Thursday at 5:30 pm
and Saturday at 9:30 am
Please note I will also be teaching a JourneyDance™special class on this Saturday, August 17, at 4:00 - 5:30 pm at The Synergy Studio. 

Considering taking the Nia White belt intensive?  Whether you want to teach Nia or take Nia for personal growth, it is an amazing experience!!!   Check out my trainings at: and click on "My Trainings". Adelle and I have one October 4th and a split weekend December 5th here in San Antonio.  Join us!

Love & Light,
Joanie Brooks,
Nia Training Faculty, Nia White Belt Trainer

Nia 5 Stages of Healing Facilitator, Journey Dance Guide, Mindful Change Coach and Yoga Laughter Leader

Nia - Somatic Education for EveryBody.  Nia is an expressive movement form & lifestyle practice that uses The Body's Way to achieve physical, mental, emotional & spiritual fitness & well-being."   

75 trillion cells in your body…Play with them all with Nia!

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