Monday, September 26, 2011

Dance, Smile, Laugh....When You're Smiling, The Whole World Smiles With You!

Whenever I think of Louis Armstrong, the vision that comes to me is his BIG smile!!   His smile lights up his whole body!!  It's true when we smile, the whole world smiles with us.  It is small facial gesture yet it is BIG in its potential to shift the sensation of the moment...of NOW!  When I'm smiling my spine lengthens, my chest opens and I have a sensation of lightness throughout my whole body.  Just with a simple upward curving of my mouth, my body naturally lifts which in turn lifts my mind and my spirit.  Take a moment right now to smile.  What do you sense in your body?  Now do the opposite, allow your smile to curve downward.  What do you sense in your body? 

Smiling has the opportunity to relieve tension, bring relaxation into our body and can bring ease and pleasure into any and all life situations.  Even if I'm doing a task that I do not particularly enjoy, when I take the opportunity to smile, it changes my experience.  And it requires very little physical effort on my part.  Smiling connects us to each other and is a gift that keeps giving even after the smile has faded.  It is Universal...requires no words, and has the power to connect us to everyBody. 

I believe when I smile all my cells inside of me are smiling with me, and supporting me throughout my day.   Dancing, smiling, laughing...expressing, and being fully engaged in the moment.  Join me in a week of class and in life.  I'd love to hear how it changes your day!  See you in class this week!!
***My classes this week: Monday and Thursday at 5:30.  Then get ready for a new Nia routine!!!  On Friday at 5:30, Saturday at 9:30 and Sunday at 4:00 pm Adelle and I will be co-teaching  the brand new Nia routine Cadence!  I'm SMILING just thinking about it!!!   We will also have a learning opportunity on Sunday at 3:00 before the 4:00 class. Join us to learn the moves, and get a Cadance CD to take home with you! $30 for the Playshop, CD and class! You can sign up online under 'workshops' on the schedule page...

AND....considering the Nia White Belt intensive?  You can sign up now for 2012 intensives that Adelle and I will be holding. Go to: and click on My Trainings. 

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